VSAT Applications and Services
VSAT systems have developed rapidly, particularly in the United States, where they have supported the introduction of new communications services that have become indispensible to the efficient operation of many corporations and business. One of the consequences of this large market is that production costs of small terminals have fallen to relatively low levels. Nevertheless, it could be argued that VSATs still represent a niche market and have yet to achieve their full potential. In those countries where the regulatory environment is liberal, there is very substantial competition from other technologies, e.g. optical fiber, conventional cable, microwave links and wireless personal communication networks (PCNs).
VSAT also have a major role to play in those Third World countries with virtually no terrestrial telecommunications infrastructure: as an example, VSAT data services based on spread spectrum are now available from the telecommunications administration in India.
Studies have confirmed that in those developing countries where satellite communications have been introduced, there has followed substantial economic growth, a clear indication that low cost low complexity VSAT systems can be of potential benefit to the Third World where a communications infrastructure may be lacking.
Two-way VSAT networks offering voice and data services or even two-way video conferencing, to satisfy domestic and international requirements, are now widely used. These developments are causing communications service to evolve around customer requirements, either within a country or, increasingly, on an international basis. Examples are news distribution services, voice and data links to isolated locations (mineral exploration sites and oil platforms) and non-standard service options not available from terrestrial communications networks.
The liberal regulatory environment prevailing in the United States has permitted organizations to provide a wide range of communications services (for themselves and others on a commercial basis) by allowing acquisition of earth terminal equipment and acquisition or leasing of satellite transponder capacity from various satellites (to provide coverage of service areas with adequate power levels) and the ability to procure VSATs with the appropriate features (voice and data at different rates). Also, the resources to provide end-to-end service (including equipment installation, interfacing between VSATs and customer terminal equipment and maintenance support).
About Antesky
Antesky Science Technology Inc. is specially engaged in designing, manufacturing and installing satellite communication antennas and relevant servo equipments. We can offer a complete line of earth station antenna products and systems, such as VSAT antennas, Tx/Rx antennas, TV receive only antennas, satellite news gathering Antennas, Flyaway, antenna control system and tracking system.
Any more information please visit http://www.antesky.com or send emails to sales@antesky.com